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About Westminster

We promise to always strive to do what’s best for the kids—as students and as people.

Our faculty and staff at Westminster is a group of passionate and purpose-driven educators who are always striving to do what’s best for our students. A tight-knit team, we push one another to seek out collaborative opportunities that will both enhance the student experience and level up our practice as educators.

Our shared purpose.

As a team, we share a commitment to communication, collaboration, and caring for the whole child, as we work together to:

  • Monitor the effectiveness of school practices and their impact on student learning
  • Cultivate positive relationships between teachers, students, and stuff
  • Establish clear goals and keeping these goals at the forefront of the school’s attention
  • Implement practices that ensure students meet (or exceed) New York State standards
  • Provide teachers with materials and professional development necessary for the successful execution of their jobs
  • Uphold a true sense of community in our school