Explore our curriculum.
Westminster teaches an engaging, standards-based curriculum that’s both data-driven and purpose-filled. Using various methods of support—from small groups in the classroom to interventions and tutoring—each student’s learning experience is unique, and so is the support they receive from Westminster’s dedicated faculty and staff.
Through our curriculums, Westminster students become critical thinkers who learn to believe in their promise and chart a path to realizing it—at school, at home, and out in the world.
English Language Arts
Our K–3 students learn from the Into Reading curriculum, which is based on research on the essential elements of literacy with more manageable mini-lessons for multilingual learners. The program ensures culturally relevant texts that reflect our diverse world allowing learners to see themselves in the characters.
Students in grades 4–8 work with the Wit & Wisdom curriculum. Westminster selected this curriculum for its emphasis on content knowledge (including NYS social studies and science topics), its high level of rigor, and the many multicultural texts it employs.
Westminster teachers use the i-Ready Classroom Mathematics curriculum—a program designed to stimulate student discussion that includes the mathematics standards of practice in each lesson. i-Ready aligns with the NYS Next Generation Standards and helps students develop problem-solving skills. Student-centered learning in i-Ready begins in the earliest grades when the connections essential for inquiry and growth are created and nurtured.
Students learn science through an inquiry-based, hands-on curriculum aligned with Next Generation Standards. Westminster uses the Mystery Science curriculum in grades K–5, which begins each session with an open question that students work to answer during the lesson through a hands-on activity and classroom discussion. Additionally, we use Newsomatics to incorporate reading into our science blocks so students flex their literary skills to gather information.
Grades 6–8 learn from Amplify Science, a highly engaging and rigorous program in which students solve real-world problems by taking on the role of scientist or engineer. The program integrates technology and digital resources with hands-on experience and interactive classroom activities such as Socratic Seminars.
Social Studies
Westminster teachers use the New York State Framework of Social Studies to teach students about families and communities and the history of New York State, the United States, and the world. Social studies content is integrated with ELA through Wit & Wisdom. In grades 6–8, social studies is taught with a heavy emphasis on using primary and secondary sources.
Advanced Placement Classes
Students need opportunities for new challenges—to grow as they go. For students looking to stretch and get ahead of what’s next, Westminster offers three high school-level courses. With a score of 85 on the NYS exam for theme courses, students earn one high school credit and open doors to new possibilities.
- Living Environment: discover and understand the diverse and expansive world of the living organisms all around us
- Algebra 1: learn how to use letters called “variables” with numbers and mathematical symbols to solve problems
- Spanish: explore the structure of the language through speaking, listening, and writing, as well as unique social, historical, and cultural contexts.
Music, Art & Physical Education
Students’ daily schedules are enriched by a trio of specials—music, art, and physical education—that encourage artistic and athletic exploration.
In middle school, students begin their foreign language studies in Spanish.
See how we’re doing.
Everyone at Westminster shares a spirit of constant improvement. Track our progress on the school’s NYSED report card—an important part of the Board of Regents’ effort to create educational equity and raise learning outcomes for all students.